Size Chart

We don't want you to choose the wrong size when you order online. So, to make things a little easier for you we created this simple, easy-to-read size chart to find the right size for our clothing products.

Product Size Euro Size Kids Age Waist (inches) Chest (Inches)
XXL 11 44 50 to 52
XL 9/10 40 to 42 46 to 50
L 7/8 34 to 36 42 to 46
M 5/6 32 to 34 38 to 42
S 3/4 28 to 30 34 to 38
YXL 164 14 26 32 / 34
YL 152 12 25 30 / 32
YM 140 10 24 28 / 30
YS 128 8 23 26 / 28
YXS 116 6 22 24 / 26